Lovely Lucerne

Central Lucerne – Covered bridge and old town.

This may be my new favorite city in Europe. It’s compact for easy navigation, has a wonderful medieval center which has been lovingly maintained, boasts stunning scenery and has a nice easy going vibe. I spent 3 days here and look forward to going back soon.

Lucerne is on a lake of the same name straddles the Reuss river. The water in the lake is crystal clear and with the surrounding mountains, it reminded me of Lake Tahoe. There wasn’t much snow left on the nearer mountains when I was there, but the place is still strikingly beautiful. I took a boat trip around the lake which was wonderful and Penguin really had a great time. Summer hadn’t fully kicked in yet so the choices were limited. I hope that as tourism rebounds things will be back to full operation.

As you can see, the dramatic weather really made for some cool pictures.

There is also wonderful walking path around the lake which is a great way to spend a morning. The views are stunning and it is great to see locals taking advantage of their wonderful resource. I even saw several people swimming so I am guessing the water isn’t as cold as Lake Tahoe. I got very lucky with this shot on one of my walks along the lake.

Near Lucerne is a mountain area called Jungfrau; nicknamed the Top of Europe. The nickname is a bit misleading as the highest mountain in Europe is actually Mont Blanc, in France. Like the Matterhorn, reaching the top requires the purchase of a pricey ticket and several gondolas or trains. I enjoyed the excursion but it really wasn’t that different from the other mountain tops. The weather was a bit cloudier, so the photos are different. Also, Penguin had a blast inside the glacier. When he saw his cousins, he couldn’t contain his excitement!

As I said, the weather wasn’t that great the days I was there and there were some pretty heavy downpours which isn’t great for pictures. My trusty Dutch rain poncho ( kept me dry while walking around the town and along the old wall. The views from the wall are wonderful and I am sure really spectacular when it isn’t dumping rain.

I also enjoyed some indoor time at two of Lucerne’s very good museums: The Rosengart Collection and the Kunstmuseum. The Rosengart Collection is really wonderful if you like early 20th century modern art. They have a very good collection of Klee (of course) and a lot of Picasso. They also have a few Kandinskys, Miro’s and Chagalls. If you are in Lucerne, don’t miss the Rosengart Collection.

I really hope to spend more time in Lucerne in the future. I am sure it would be wonderful in Winter. My next stop on this trip was the Czech Republic. I hope to get that post done in the next week or so.


Lucerne is compact and getting around on foot is easy. That said, unless you have a car, try to book a place close to the train station. Walking around with luggage is not fun, especially on cobblestones.

There is a good COOP grocery about three blocks from the train station as well as a COOP Express inside the station. It is very easy to buy items to eat at the stores to avoid spending a fortune at restaurants.

Locals warned me against visiting in November. They say it’s grey and rainy the whole month. Don’t know if that is true, but I thought I would warn you just in case.

South Africa 1.0

South Africa is an amazing place, from the beauty and vibrancy of Cape Town to the game reserves in the eastern part of the country.

Cape Town is truly a world class city. Stunning scenery, gorgeous gardens, and a fabulous food and wine scene. One really needs a week to truly experience the city and surrounding areas. Unfortunately, I only had a few days.

My first day, I went to the game reserve of Inverdoorn. I am glad I did it because I got to practice with the new camera, but if you are visiting the country and planning to go east, you can skip the reserves near the Cape. Still, I managed to get a few choice pics.

A giraffe’s tongue can reach 20 inches in length
Wildebeest are considered one of the “UGLY 5”
The babies aren’t even that cute.
The Oryx is a beautiful antelope and this is the only place so far I have seen one.
I was excited to see my first Ostrich. He was less impressed with me.
Male Ostrich are black, because they sit on the eggs at night.
Females are grey to blend in during the day.
Babies blend in perfectly to their surroundings.
Birds are cute, but less colorful than in other parts of the country.
But sometimes the picture about more than just the bird.

After a day in the game park, spending some time in the city was required. What a stunning place.

Table Mountain is to Cape Town what Pao de Acucar and Corcovado are to Rio. Visible from all parts of the city and dominating all views.

Cape Town Harbor

While the city itself is fun, it is the cape itself that really shines. Stunning coastal views with almost unreal shades of blue.

We finished the day back in the center of town where Penguin made a new friend,

After a few days in Cape Town, we headed east to the game reserves. Stay tuned.