Antarctica Journey – Falklands/Malvinas

After completing a tree week journey in the Southern Ocean and Antarctica, I am at a loss of where to start.

We departed Ushuaia, Argentina and sailed for two days to get to the Falklands/Malvinas (note, I am not claiming political sides here), where we spent two days.

Our first day was at an island with a four, count’em FOUR different kinds of Penguins, and a colony of Albatross. An amazing introduction to bird live in the Southern Ocean.

First we saw Gentoos and Kings. Kings are like smaller versions of the Emperor. Gentoos are sneaky little trouble makers who like collecting and stealing rocks for their mate. They also pretty much look and act like all the cartoon penguins you have seen over the year. Yes, it was love at first site.

Kings always lootk so elegant – regal even. Probably how they got their name.
King Chicks are really fuzzy. Early explorers thought they were a different type of penguin and named them Wooly Penguins.

Where the King is distinguished, the Gentoo is just a goof. He always makes you smile.

The Gentoo always looks so happy and proud when it finds a rock.
And the babies are pretty cute too.

Magellenic Penguins can be seen all over South America, but in the Falklands they are everywhere.

And, Gentoos will hang out with them and lead them along…

Rockhoppers are fun and much different looking. And, they really do hop along the rocks.

They have cute babies too

In addition to penguins, the Falklands/Malvinas are home to many (thousands???) Albatross. I loved how majestic these birds look and how wise they seem.

In flight they are truly impressive.
They also like Rockhoppers
And, they have cute, fluffy chicks.

The Falklands/Malvinas also have a nice little town, Stanley, which is not a bad place to enjoy a cup of coffee and a walk around in something other than muck boots.

Penguin enjoyed his time here and managed to make a few friends. Joe even got in on some of the action, when he wasn’t complaining about the cold.

After a couple of days in the Falklands/Malvinas we set off to South Georgia. It was a couple of days sailing and we were so fortunate to have such wonderful weather.

I am making my way through the literally thousands of photos I took and will post more soon. In the meantime, thing of Penguin and his complete bliss being close to his homeland.