South Africa 1.0

South Africa is an amazing place, from the beauty and vibrancy of Cape Town to the game reserves in the eastern part of the country.

Cape Town is truly a world class city. Stunning scenery, gorgeous gardens, and a fabulous food and wine scene. One really needs a week to truly experience the city and surrounding areas. Unfortunately, I only had a few days.

My first day, I went to the game reserve of Inverdoorn. I am glad I did it because I got to practice with the new camera, but if you are visiting the country and planning to go east, you can skip the reserves near the Cape. Still, I managed to get a few choice pics.

A giraffe’s tongue can reach 20 inches in length
Wildebeest are considered one of the “UGLY 5”
The babies aren’t even that cute.
The Oryx is a beautiful antelope and this is the only place so far I have seen one.
I was excited to see my first Ostrich. He was less impressed with me.
Male Ostrich are black, because they sit on the eggs at night.
Females are grey to blend in during the day.
Babies blend in perfectly to their surroundings.
Birds are cute, but less colorful than in other parts of the country.
But sometimes the picture about more than just the bird.

After a day in the game park, spending some time in the city was required. What a stunning place.

Table Mountain is to Cape Town what Pao de Acucar and Corcovado are to Rio. Visible from all parts of the city and dominating all views.

Cape Town Harbor

While the city itself is fun, it is the cape itself that really shines. Stunning coastal views with almost unreal shades of blue.

We finished the day back in the center of town where Penguin made a new friend,

After a few days in Cape Town, we headed east to the game reserves. Stay tuned.

Ireland 1.0

Once again I find myself about ready to start a new adventure while not having posted the one I have just ended. In this case, not really ended, but you get my point.

I have had a great time in Ireland over the past few weeks. I was here for a about 12 days, went back to the States, and then came back., The beauty of this North Atlantic island never stops amazing me. You know how the Inuit are said to have 1000 words for snow? Well, I wonder if the Irish language has that many words for the color green. I’ll have to ask.

I haven’t even begun to scratch the surface of places to see on the Emerald Isle, but I have had fun in the few places I have been.

The coast here is simply stunning. One day, on the advice of locals, I took the bus to Ballycotton. It’s in County Cork, along the sea, and has an incredible cliff walk (Sherri, I thought of you the whole time…).

It’s a bit late in the season for wildflowers, but this one was blooming. Debbie, you will really impress me if you can ID this one.
The lighthouse island is visible one many parts of the hike.
The warning signs along the path give you pause, or show the sense of humor of the locals.
Another view of the lighthouse.
I love the birds here.
This fabulous heron was sitting on the hill at the end of the beach. i was pretty far away but thought I could make out a heron. Binoculars confirmed it so I walked along the beach about 250 meters to get his picture.
Heading back to town along the same path. The vista never gets old.
Back in town, there is a charming little harbor.
Where my friendly heron (or his cousin) was out trolling for a meal.
Apparently the fishing was not good so off he went.
Waiting for the bus back to Cork, this little guy showed up to strut his stuff.

Another day trip I took was to the town of Midleton and the non nature buffs among you would like this place. It is the home of Jameson. You know, the Irish Whiskey…

Irish Whiskey is triple distilled (in something that looks just like the still above) and doesn’t use smoked peat.
The chandelier everyone needs.

Near the city of Cork is a town called Clonakilty. I only spent a day there and am looking forward to going back.

The town has a beautiful old church but it’s true claim to fame is that it was the home of Michael Collins. If you don’t know who he was, rent the movie. Michael Collins was an Irish hero and republican who was instrumental in the independence movement.

One of the pretty painted buildings in Clonakilty.
Celctic Cross on the Cathedral
Michael Collins. He was known as the Bigfella

Now, you have to be asking, “what about Cork”? There have been no pictures of Cork. Well, if you check my Instagram feed, I have posted a few. In case you don’t have it, my Instagram handle is Lauren Globetrotter.

I now have an apartment. It is furnished which makes for and easy move-in. I am looking forward to having a place to call home again. It’s also big enough for guests, so I hope to host many of you soon.

Cork is a very vibrant city with a lot going on. It is not terribly beautiful but it is changing and growing and it will be exciting to watch this over the next few years.

It is also a very international city. You are as likely to hear French, Spanish, Arabic or Russian on the streets as you are to hear English.

My neighborhood
Cork Rooftops
This is a river otter swimming just outside my apartment building.

So this gets you somewhat caught up. I am in Dublin now and hope to have a few things to share before my next major destination. You’ll just have to stay tuned to find out where.

Love to everyone!!!

Antarctica Journey – Falklands/Malvinas

After completing a tree week journey in the Southern Ocean and Antarctica, I am at a loss of where to start.

We departed Ushuaia, Argentina and sailed for two days to get to the Falklands/Malvinas (note, I am not claiming political sides here), where we spent two days.

Our first day was at an island with a four, count’em FOUR different kinds of Penguins, and a colony of Albatross. An amazing introduction to bird live in the Southern Ocean.

First we saw Gentoos and Kings. Kings are like smaller versions of the Emperor. Gentoos are sneaky little trouble makers who like collecting and stealing rocks for their mate. They also pretty much look and act like all the cartoon penguins you have seen over the year. Yes, it was love at first site.

Kings always lootk so elegant – regal even. Probably how they got their name.
King Chicks are really fuzzy. Early explorers thought they were a different type of penguin and named them Wooly Penguins.

Where the King is distinguished, the Gentoo is just a goof. He always makes you smile.

The Gentoo always looks so happy and proud when it finds a rock.
And the babies are pretty cute too.

Magellenic Penguins can be seen all over South America, but in the Falklands they are everywhere.

And, Gentoos will hang out with them and lead them along…

Rockhoppers are fun and much different looking. And, they really do hop along the rocks.

They have cute babies too

In addition to penguins, the Falklands/Malvinas are home to many (thousands???) Albatross. I loved how majestic these birds look and how wise they seem.

In flight they are truly impressive.
They also like Rockhoppers
And, they have cute, fluffy chicks.

The Falklands/Malvinas also have a nice little town, Stanley, which is not a bad place to enjoy a cup of coffee and a walk around in something other than muck boots.

Penguin enjoyed his time here and managed to make a few friends. Joe even got in on some of the action, when he wasn’t complaining about the cold.

After a couple of days in the Falklands/Malvinas we set off to South Georgia. It was a couple of days sailing and we were so fortunate to have such wonderful weather.

I am making my way through the literally thousands of photos I took and will post more soon. In the meantime, thing of Penguin and his complete bliss being close to his homeland.

Southern Ocean

I am posting quickly from my phone, sitting in a cafe in Stanley, Falkland Islands.

We have had remarkable weather for the past three days. Temps around 15 degrees Celsius, moderate winds, and sunny skies.

We head off to South Georgia this afternoon and then on to the Great White Continent.

I will sign off with some photos.

It’s penguinning to look a lot like Christmas….


Okay, I am now even FURTHER behind.   So far behind that I am writing this in a hotel room in Buenos Aires the day before heading to Ushuaia and my Antarctica trip.

Jordan was incredible.  To save time, I am just going to post pictures.  Sorry I don’t have time to be creative with verbage.  

Outside of the capitol, Amman (which I Now know is pronounced Ah-MAN and not Ahh – mon) are the ruins of Jerash.  These are some of the most impressive Roman ruins I have ever seen.

Petra was the next big site and what most people come to this beautiful country to see.  It did not disappoint.

Slot Canyon heading in to Petra
Shopkeepers in Petra
Petra rocks
Buggy in the slot canyon
Petra Treasury
Petra Treasury columns
Roman arch in Petra
Tired penguin and Joe

Pictures just cannot do justice to Petra, or Wadi Rum, our next stop.

One evening we took a cooking class.  It was a lot of fun, but I will say they need to get their knives sharpened.

On one of our last days, we visited the River Jordan…more like the Jordan Muddy Creek.  On the other side of the water is Israel.  It is so good that these two countries get along now.

P.S.  As I mentioned above, I will be getting on a plane to Ushuaia and from there on to a boat to Antarctica.  I will be gone for 3 weeks and internet connectivity will be pretty sparse if it exists at all.  If I do manage a signal somewere, I will try to post a picture of a penguin or whale.  Otherwise, stay tuned for a long post in January.

I wish all of you a very happy holiday season and all the best for the New Year.  Stay safe and warm.  Can’t wait to see everyone in 2019.

Israel – the other bits

I am so far behind in my posts.  Israel was so amazing I had no time or energy to deal with pictures and posting.  So, pictures won’t have that much description.

After Jeruselem, we traveled to the West Bank. If you didn’t know, Bethlehem is in the West Bank.  We also visited a Palestinian refugee camp and heard about the politics from the Palestinian perspective (the previous evening we had a lecture with a rabbi).  

The key symbolizes the homes the regugees left behind.  

Wall art in the West Bank.
Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem.
Mosaic at the church of the Nativity.
Joe was happy to be back in his homeland.

After the West Bank, we continued on to Masada.  Truly an amazing Roman Fortress.  The picutres didn’t look like much when I tranfered them, but this barraks shot can give you an idea of the site.  Definately worth a visit.

After an AMAZING 8 days in Israel, we crossed the border in to Jordan.

Oh Jeruselem!

Jeruselem is a feast of senses and emotions.  All the things you learned about in school (and any religious study) now stand in front of you.  This city of faith and geopolitics is alive, beautiful, and if I may add, a bit filthy.

I spent the first day walking around before my tour started.  I didn’t have much time as I promised the hotel I would be back by 2pm to change rooms (complicated story here).  I found myself at the Jaffa Gate and then at the Tower of David (aka The Citadel). What an amazing introduction to Jeruselem.

The view from the top of the tower was even more stunning.  

The Dome of the Rock built upon the Temple Mount.  One of the most photographed, and beautiful buildings in the world.

Day two the tour began.  It all seems like somewhat of a blur now…all the things you see, hear and feel. Three major faiths consider this city holy and you see them all living and praying here.  Walking through the old city is a bit overwhelming…a mix of shopkeepers, religious pilgrims and secular tourists like us. 

Church of the Holy Seplecur
Inside the Church of the Holy Seplecur
Path of Sorros – the path that Chirst took on his way to the crucifixion.  Pilgrims walk this street while chanting and singing.
Dome of the Rock
Temple Mount and Dome of the Rock
Temple Mount
Western Wall or Wailing Wall. Such an incredible expression of faith.  

Entering the Holy Seplecur Church is an excercise in patience.  So many people queuing up to touch things they believe Christ touched.  Since the church was so croweded, one of the guys on my tour, Vladimir, and I got up at 3 am the next day to see the church at dawn.  We left the hotel at 3:30 am and armed with nothing but Google Maps, we somehow found the chukrch.  Actually, if it weren’t for two muslim ladies who pointed us in the right direction, we might still be wandering.  It was worth it.

Streets of Old Jeruselem before dawn.
Entrance to the Holy Seplecur Church at about 4:05am
Early morning devout
Sitting on the steps in the Church of the Holy Seplecur
Christ’s Tomb

After spending an hour or so in the Church, Vlad and I got a taxi up to the Mount of Olives to view Jeruselem illuminated at night before the sun rose.  Again, totally worth it.

After a couple of days in the Holy City, we had our introduction in to the politics.  That’s another post.  I will let you enjoy these photos first. 

Before I sign off, I would like to tell you that WordPress changed the software for blogs.  The new one is terrible, AND, they have removed the spell check.  UGH!

UAE – Dubai and Abu Dhabi

If Vegas and South Florida had a love child, it would be Dubai.  Opulence and glitz are everywhere.  You might have to throw in a bit of SoCal, too, as the freeways rival even the widest part of the 405!

Dubai is a nice place to spend a few days.  There is plenty to do and plenty of ways to relax.  I stayed in the Marina area, which is a bit far from a lot of bright lights.  Walking around the marina in the early hours was nice, before it got too hot.  That said, if/when I go back, I would probably stay closer to the center.

Abu Dhabi, one of the other Emirates,  is just a quick trip by far from Dubai.  It is famous for its incredible Grand Mosque, which is truly one of the most impressive buildings I have ever seen.

The inside is impressive.  Of course women need to cover their heads in the mosque.  When in Abu Dhabi…

This beautiful central courtyard of the mosque is supposed to be off-limits, but this young boy didn’t seem to know the rules.  Nobody tried to stop him either.

The other must see destination in Abu Dhabi is the Louvre.  The building is odd from the outside, but inside it is stunning.

The collection inside is equally impressive, with archeological artifacts from all over and curated to show civilizations’ advances at similar period in different areas.  I think this is one of the best museums I have ever been to.

As a side treat, we got to watch a bit of one of the camel races.  It was a hoot!

What’s even more of a hoot is that the jockeys are ROBOTS! Zoom in if  you can’t see them.  (Jordan, here’s a new market for you).

The day after Abu Dhabi I went on a Camel Safari in the desert of Dubai.  It was a lot of fun, but Camels are not exactly comfortable.

In addition to camels, Falcons have been important in the desert for a long time.  They are beautiful animals and I even got to hold one.

My time in the desert is not over.  I head now to Israel and Jordan.

Hanoi and North Vietnam

After the incredible zen-ness of Siem Reap and the temples, we were jolted back to the modern world in Hanoi.

Hanoi, like its sister to the South, is vibrant, chaotic, and full of life.  Again, I liked it immediately.

So much of life is lived on the street. Seems on every corner there are people hawking goods or services.

And while Vietnam is famous for its street food, some things weren’t worth trying…despite the lovely presentation.

Staying connected in Vietnam is becoming easier by the day, but they may want to consider wireless technology.

Ha Long bay offers respite from the delightful chaos of Hanoi.  Unfortunately, we didn’t have the best weather and shared the waters with so many boats I thought once that we might be re-filming Dunkirk.

The Mekong, Vietnam and Cambodia were an incredible part of this journey and should be on everyone’s bucket list.  Yes, the heat was oppressive at times, but I would not have missed this for the world.

Next stop…The Middle East.

Things on Bikes

When I was flying in to Vietnam from Hong Kong several weeks ago,  I met a lovely woman on the plane. She spends a lot of time in Vietnam and told me I should do a post just on things on motorbikes.  So here it is.  You can laugh, be amazed, but most of all, be thankful you don’t have to haul your stuff on a two wheeler.

The Little Giant ladder company could use this in their ads. “You can even put it on a moped!”

At least this guy has a trailer for his bike.

Ditto for this guy.

I am not sure what they are carrying, but it’s a good thing there are two of them.

Do you think he blew up the ballons AFTER he parked?

What do you think she does when her young passenger is not there to hold the parasol? And how is the girl in the back holding on?

Whatever is in the crates and bags between his legs, he apparently needs cooking oil too.

That’s one serious “Amazon Fresh” delivery. How many people are in that family?

It’s nice that the PARENTS are wearing helmets.

Here’s another guy with a crowd to feed

I can’t even think of a caption for this one.

The person holding the yellow box sure has faith in the driver.

If you can’t fit it all on the back of the bike, there’s always the space between your legs. Just hope you don’t need to shift that often.

Now aren’t you glad  you have a car or at least Uber?



Angkor Wat.  Words do not exist to describe it.

This former Hindu and later Buddhist temple was built in the middle part of the 12th century.  That in and of itself is amazing.  What is even more incredible is that it took a mere 37 (approx) years to build.

We arrived before dawn to watch the sun rise behind the temple grounds.

After the sun rose, we explored the grounds. There is no way to see every corner of the temple and I will be forever grateful to our guide for navigating us around the crowds.

It takes a little while walking around to notice it, but every square centimeter of the temple structure is carved or etched.   When you realize this, the temple manages to impress even more.

The temple is still considered sacred and monks can be seen throughout the grounds.

And, I don’t know if they are there for religious reasons or just to beg from tourists, but there is also a family of Macaque monkeys that roam the temple and grounds.

The area of Siem Reap (this part of Cambodia) has more temples than Angkor Wat.  The one with all the different Buddha heads also impressed.

Another incredible visit was the Ta Prohm temple.  This is the one where all the roots and trees grow out of the ruins of the structures.  The government has decided to leave this temple almost the same conditions in which it was found.  I think they made the right decision since nothing else looks like this.

After days in the heat and humidity of Cambodia, it was time for a rest.



Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.  It’s actually evening here, but it’s morning where most people are reading this.

I knew immediately that I was going to love Vietnam.  It’s chaotic, friendly, crazy and laid back all at the same time.  It might have an identity crisis if it cared.

I just walked around Ho Chi Minh City today to get a feel for things.  I have a tour starting day after tomorrow, so I think I will see the sights then.  It was great.  The air here has the scent of overripe tropical fruit with a hint of motorbike exhaust.  The streets are organized chaos.  There are motorbikes, vespas and mopeds everywhere…they are like bees in a wildflower field.

Even taxis operate on motorbikes (they do have 4 wheel taxis also).  It’s called Go-Bike and they have an extra helmet for the passenger.  Locals seem to carpool.  These two ladies where getting ready to brave the streets when I saw them.  They let me take their picture.

Deliveries also seem to be made with motorbikes.  The Culligan man in the USA has it really easy.

And so does the FTD guy

Crossing the street in Ho Chi Minh City is a bit like being the mole in Whack-a-Mole.  Every time you think you find a safe hole, something comes out of nowhere to try to take you down.  I noticed some locals waited to cross “en-masse” with arms linked together.  I decided that just makes you a bigger target.  Take a close look at this picture.  What is the one thing missing from this intersection?

There are a few signs left of the French colonial past.  The country has the best coffee I have had in Asia so far and I saw one old cathedral.

When the heat became too much,  I stopped in at a cafe.  It was too hot to try the life-changing coffee, however.

Now, if anyone out there has been to Vietnam and can explain this next picture, I would be grateful.  The questions are both why and how?  Do people not want to litter or are they going to come back later and finish their beverage?

I have signed up to take a cooking class tomorrow.  We are supposed to start at the market to shop for ingredients and then head to the kitchen to cook.  Should be a blast!!!

Au Revoir!



PANDAS!!!…and other things in Chengdu

Yes, the Panda is real. And yes, that’s me with the panda.

Chengdu is Panda central.  When we arrived at the hotel, we were greeted by a dancing panda.

Even the manhole covers have pandas on them.

So, here is some cuteness overload…

Too lazy to sit up and eat.

And just in case you don’t believe the first picture from this post, here are a few more of me and the panda.

To get your photo opp with the panda, you have to don a lovely blue jumpsuit, gloves and shoe covers.  This is not for your protection, but for Panda’s.  The panda really could not care less if you are there or not.  He is busy eating bamboo.  He is a juvenile, about 18 months old.  You are given about 30 seconds with the panda.

Now, Chengdu is not ALL about pandas.  There is a lovely people’s park and interesting tea houses.  But after looking at all the cuteness above, nothing else can compare.

Next stop…the Yangtze (or Yangzi) river and the Three Gorge (apparently Yangzi is the preferred spelling).


Xian and the Warriors

Xian, China is famous for the Terracotta Warriors  This is why people come here.   However, there are a few other interesting sites including the Muslim quarter and the old city wall.

The Muslim quarter is a sight for the senses.  There are people selling all sorts of food.  Squid on a stick was quite popular.  If they don’t sell it as food, they can repurpose it as a puppet!

The mosque in the quarter is a lovely mixture of gardens and structures.  On the surface it looks decidedly Chinese but when you look closely there are clear Arab and Persian touches.

Below is where the muezzin makes the call for prayer.

While we were at the mosque, a bride and groom were having their photos taken.

After walking around the quarter, we headed to lunch.  Penguin was horrified when he saw the dumplings.

The next day, we headed out to see what we all came to Xian for, the famed Terracotta Warriors.  They were discovered in 1974 by a farmer digging a well.  They date from the Qin dynasty which ended around 210 BCE and were buried with the emperor to protect him in the afterlife.

This first pit has the most number of restored warriors.  When you walk in, you are confronted by them.

They all have different faces and expressions, and the detail is incredible.

It is believed that when they were buried, they had wooden weapons in their hands.  These burned during a fire when a rebel general later entered the tomb and pretty much trashed and burned it.  You can see how they are holding their hands.

What the general did is why the warriors were found in pieces.  The archeologists are now working on one of the biggest, and perhaps most important, jigsaw puzzle in the world.

The Penguin was in awe!

After a morning of warriors, we headed to the old city wall.  It’s only about 600 years old and is a nice way to see the city.

Our next stop, and the next post, is Chengdu.  I promise, you won’t want to miss it!!!!


Beijing – Central and More

I am coming to the end of my China journey.  Internet has been sketchy at best for the past week or so.  I will attempt to get posts updated in the next few days.

Beijing is a feast for every sense:  sight, sound and smell (the latter not always good).  The city is the jewel of modern China.  Everywhere you look there is building going on and shiny skyscrapers to wow you.  It is much more modern than I thought it would be and is testament to the tenacity  and drive of the Chinese people.

This view is from my hotel at sunset, but you get the idea of how modern the city really is.

After departing the Summer Palace, we went to see the Olympic Village and the local art street.

The olympic village is nice and the Beijing government has done a very good job of repurposing the facilities in the village to benefit the citizens of Beijing.

Inside the stadium, I got a chance to ride a bike with some of the greats!

The art district, called 798, is a vibrant area of the city with galleries and cafes.  The galleries are pretty expensive.  It’s fun to walk around for an hour or so, but don’t plan on spending the whole day here.

After a restful evening at a nice hotel, we started the next day at the Temple of Heaven, constructed first in the 14th century (rebuilt and restored a few times thereafter).  The primary structure is the Hall for Prayer for Good Harvests.  We got very lucky as the smog cleared and the skies were blue!

I think my favorite thing about all of these old Asian buildings are the decorations/figurines on the corners.

After the temple of heaven, we visited the Forbidden City.  It is so named because only the Emperor and nobles were allowed to even APPROACH it.  Inside the walls was a private city, separated from the rabble outside.

In Chinese imperial life, the number 9 was reserved for the Emperor and only the Emperor.  So, in the Forbidden City there are 9 mythical animals on the roofs (9 between the other guys).

Our last full day in Beijing we really lucked out.  We had blue skies and perfect temperatures.  We ran out to the Great Wall first thing to get there before the crowds.   The wall, in its earliest version, was built 2000 years ago to protect the new Chinese empire against invaders.  Its earliest version was primarily dirt.  The wall we see today is only several hundred years old.  The portions we visit have been refurbished.  It is everything you expect it to be and more.  It is truly amazing to think of how long it once stretched.

As you walk along the wall, you can go in to the watchtowers.  They have the feeling of medieval castles.

One of the coolest things in Beijing was actually in a park.  The Chinese get to retire at 60 but they do not sit around playing bingo.  They go to the park and excercise with friends.  I was truly impressed by the fitness level of many of the people.

This guy is 70 years old.

And this pretzel man is 72!!!

All I can say is WOW!

Stay tuned for Xian and the warriors.











Beijing – Summer Palace, China

Hello From China!!!

I arrived from Japan at an ungodly hour and was transported to the Crowne Plaza Beijing Airport to sleep.  I would not recommend this place.  I think it is about to be dumped at a Crowne Plaza because it does’t meet international standards.

Anyway, after that I was taken by the tour company to the Aman at the Summer Palace.  A vast improvement!!

The hotel, while not old, was built to resemble the palace. It is beautiful.


Who wouldn’t want to start the day with breakfast here?

A very vocal little bird woke me up at 6:05 am on my first morning at the Summer Palace.   I quickly dressed and ran to the palace grounds to see what I could before the crowds arrived.  I am glad I did.

Later that same morning, we had a tour of the palace.  The crowds had arrived but it was still wonderful.

This is one of the windows that lines the corridors of the palace. They were built so the women of the court could view the outdoors without leaving the palace buildings.

The marble boat. One of the emporers wanted a boat that was so strong it could not sink. This is what he got. A boat made from marble. It cannot sink, but it also cannot go anywhere.

Elderly gentleman paingin on the slate. He paints the characters with water so the figures only last a few minutes.

A Phoenex at the palace.

After the summer palace, we went to central Beijing.  I will try to get those photos uploaded soon.



Typhoon Trami and Kyoto

When a typhoon is hours away from hitting a Japanese city, the people DO go to the store.  The difference, as I found out earlier this afternoon, is they don’t buy out the place.    There were still products on the shelves.  I was reminded of the near supermarket hysteria in DC when Isabel was about to hit.  Hey DC, you can learn from the Japanese!  I bet they don’t panic when it snows either.

I have enjoyed Kyoto but I wish now I had come here first.  It is a city of temples and shrines and by this time in the Japan journey, I am pretty templed and shirned out.  You probably are too, if you have been following the posts.

In addition to shrines, Kyoto is known for the incredible Arashiyama area.  Natural beauty with a river and mountains and, the incredible Bamboo grove.

The river that runs through the area has these wonderful cormorants just hanging out.

There is a temple and lovely gardens in Arashiyama as well, but I will reserve my temple photos for ones in central Kyoto.

In addition to temples and shrines, Kyoto is also known for Geishas.  I did not go to any of the houses where Geishas work, but I did go to Gion, the neighborhood known for them.  It’s a lovely place to walk around and you get a feel for what the city may have been like 50 or 100 years ago.

Possibly the most important Buddhist temple in Kyoto is Higashihonganji.  It’s quite impressive.  There was a prayer service going on while I was visiting and I was able to sit in the back and listen to the beautiful chanting of the monks.  It was so peaceful.

Here in old and new coexist, a shrine and a modern tower.

The rooftops are just so amazing.

A peek inside from outside the doors.

This guy was just hanging out on the roofs.  I think he was trying to figure out where to go to ride out the storm.

So this evening, my last in Japan, the city is hunkered down.  Streets are quiet.  Hopefully, to storm will come and go without too much damage.  Hopefully for me, trains and planes will be running tomorrow.  All trains right now are cancelled.  The forecast says the storm will be out of here by noon tomorrow.

I have loved my two weeks here.  I have had a great time and seen a lot.  I don’t know if I would do the solo thing over again.  I think I have missed out on some things since I don’t speak the language and cannot read the explanations on signs.  However, traveling solo, navigating subways and buses has given me a better feel for the country and enabled me to meet people I would not have on a tour.

My next stop is Beijing, where I do have a tour starting for several parts of China.  I have a flight tomorrow night from Nagoya.  I don’t know if I will be able to post from China, the Great Firewall may make it difficult.  I hope I can, at least once or twice.  So, if you don’t see a post for a couple of weeks, I have not forgotten you.

Okay, I have no idea what this thing is, but I have seen him in several gardens.




Hiroshima and Miyajima

When I started planning my visit to Japan, I wasn’t going to come to Hiroshima.  I don’t like being reminded about the horrors human beings are capable of inflicting on one another.  However, several people said I should reconsider.  I am glad I did.

Hiroshima today is a modern vibrant city with wide boulevards and lush greenery.  The city is now a living monument dedicated to promoting peace on earth.

As you get close to the center, or the hyperzone (ground zero),  there is an amazing little (very little) park area with a number of treasured old trees.  The trees in the little park survived the bomb.  A testament to the strength of nature.

Walking along the river is when you first see it, the Atomic Dome, a skeleton of the building it once was and a forever reminder of what happened on August 6, 1945.

After walking around the dome (and before heading to the peace park), I headed to the Hiroshima Castle, which was rebuilt after the War to exactly replicate the original.  It is a beautiful structure next to a lovely shrine and lush gardens.

When I was in the castle grounds, there was a photo shoot going on.  Gorgeous young people in traditional dress.  I love the kimono colors, but I don’t think I would want to walk too far in those shoes.

Also on the castle grounds, for the benefit of tourists, are roaming Samurai.  I got a picture with two of them.  They promised me the hand signal was appropriate.

After the castle, I visited the Peace Park Memorial and Museum.  Any words I try to come up with seem hollow.  Oh, and the dove on top is real.

A day in Hiroshima is emotionally draining.  By the end, I was exhausted from both all the walking and everything I experienced.

My next day in the area, I went to Miyajima Island.  This is most famous for the red Great Torii Gate which appears to float at high tide.  I was there between the tides, but it was still beautiful.  It was also sunny, for once.

The gate leads to the Itsukushima shrine.

The island is also famous for the deer that roam around.

Up the hill from the Itsukushima shrine is the Daisho-in (Buddhist) Temple.

There is a side path and staircase that has about 500 statues of deities.  My limited research says that they are the guardians of children, but I welcome correction if needed.  I could find no reason for the hats.  Nobody had an explanation.  If you know why they are all wearing hats, PLEASE let me know (it’s not because they are cold…)  Also, do you think someone knit or crocheted all of those hats?

The view from the temple, which at the top of the hill, is also impressive.

Miyajima would be a great place to spend a day and would be even better to spend the night.   My travel companions also enjoyed the day and were equally happy for good weather.

Next, and final stop in Japan is Kyoto.  I hope to see some great sights before Monsoon Trami hits.

Don’t forget, you can comment and let me know what you liked or didn’t like.

Japan 2.0 – – Kanazawa

Greetings.  Konichiwa.

I have spent several days in the delightful city of Kanazawa.   This city is known as “Little Kyoto”.  Not having been to Kyoto (yet), I cannot offer an opinion on this.  I can say, it is lovely.

Kanazawa, despite having shrines and temples to spare, is not a tourist mecca yet.  This has both good and bad sides.  The bad, very little in the way of tourist infrastructure. The good, far fewer tourists.  So, should you add this city to your Japan list?  ABSOLUTELY.  Should you take a patience pill before you get here, also yes.

My good luck with weather has not followed me to Japan. I spent one day seeing sights in POURING rain and another in a steady drizzle.  My USA umbrella gave up the ghost on day one here.  Lucklily, every other shop sells umbrellas.

The most important sight of the city is the castle and neighboring gardens.  The castle has burned down more times than I can mention here, so the one that exists today is a rebuid from the 20th century.  It’s still beautiful and the builders did all they could to follow traditional techniques.

The sun finally came out later in the day.

Next to the castle are the Kenrokuen gardens.  They are reputed to be one of only three “perfect” gardens  in Japan.  I have no idea what makes a garden “perfect” but they were lovely.

Near the castle and the gardens are numerous women (and the occasional man) in traditional dress.  I never did figure out why or what they were doing, since I did not want to be THAT stupid tourist.  I shared many a bus with women in traditional dress and near the gardens, two of them let me take their picture.

After the castle, the other big sight in Kanzawa is the Oyama Jinja Shrine.  Like other big shrines or temples, the sight is both shrine and garden.  This particular one was pretty spectacular.

I just loved these frogs.  Can I have someone put them in my next house, wherever that may be?

After days touring shrines and gardens, it was time to take a break.  I was lucky to be able to get a spot at a tea ceremony. One of the perks of being a solo traveler…you can often squeeze in to existing bookings.

The rituals and formality that surrounds the tradidional preparation of tea is something so foreign to Westerners in generals and Americans in particular. It was a real treat for this California girl to see something so sacred associated with what we consider to be a mere beverage.

It was very interesting to me that the tea in the ceremony is powdered.  I asked why and our hostess said that was what was brought from China hundredes of year ago, so the tradition remains.

Kanawaza was a wonderful experience. As I write this, I wish I had taken photos of my favorite dinner spot.

I found this great little barbeque spot near my hotel run by a wonderful husband and wife team.  While most of our communication was sherades, we were able to get by.  One evening (I ate there three times), I was stuggling with chopsticks and large pieces of vegetables. The owner offered me a fork, which I refused.  We all laughed.   Well, mostly they laughed at me and my attepts at large things with chopsticks.  At the end, we all had fun and I loved them for their humor.  I wish I had taken pictures.  It didnt’ occur to me until later. Now, every place where I make a connection, I will try to take a picture.

My next stop is Hiroshima.  Probably not as positive an experience, but too many people said I had to stop there.   Hopefully, it will not depress me too much.




I arrived in Tokyo after almost 24 hours traveling.  From Auckland to Hong Kong it was 11 1/2 hours and then it was another 4+ from HK to Tokyo.  Add layovers, waiting around and getting to/from airports, you get pretty close to 24 hours.  Needless to say, I was beat when I got here at 5:30am.  Luckily, just outside arrivals at Haneda International Airport there is a coffee shop with REALLY GOOD coffee.

Tokyo is an enormous city.  About 845 square miles and a population of 9.2+million.  It’s overwhelming when you first arrive.  All of these people knowing exactly where they are going and you are just standing around looking perplexed.  Fortunately, the appearance of a perplexed tourist sparks kindness in the locals.  Several times now I have been approached by locals offering assistance.  It has ALWAYS been appreciated.

Since hotel check-in time wasn’t until 2pm, I dropped off my luggage and walked around the Shinjuku area of the city; mostly in a fog and trying to stay awake.  I walked to the Hanazono shrine which is not famous but is quite pretty.

The second day I braved the subway/metro.  It’s massive and overwhelming at first.  All the lines have names, colors and most important, a giant LETTER for ID purposes. Each station has both a name and a number, which makes it much easier to figure things out.  Once you get the handle on that, navigating the system becomes much less stressful.

After getting a metro card (essential!) and the map, I ventured off to the Imperial Palace…in the rain.  The palace grounds are open t the public and it was very nice to see.  The gardens are lovely, even when not much is in bloom.

After some time walking around the palace grounds in the rain, I took refuge in the modern art museum.  It’s a very nice facility with a lot if information in English.  I loved that almost all the works were from Japanese artists.  This picture was my favorite.

Next, I visited the Sensoji temple and five story pagoda.  This is tourist central.  The temple is still used and I saw a number of people praying, but today it seems more like a tourist trap than a place of worship.  It is still a must see in Tokyo and the weather was cooperating.

There was something going on at the shrine that I was not able to figure out.  In addition to the above women in kimonos, there were two ADORABLE kids in traditional costumes.

 Near the temple, there is another tourist site.  The famous golden turd.  It’s actually supposed to be a flame and it sits on the office building of one of the breweries.  Whatever you think it looks like, there’s no missing it.

Tokyo is known for its Cat Cafes, but you can see a cat anywhere.  I went to the HEDGEHOG Cafe.  Yup, super cute hedgehogs you can hold.  For about $16 you can spend 30 minutes with two of your own cuties.

Near the Hedgehog Cafe is Shibuyu Station and the statue of the world’s most loyal dog, Hachiko, an Akita.  If you don’t know the story, there was a movie made, staring Richard Gere. The cat has become quite famous, too.

Another day I ventured to the Meiji Shrine, which is in a large 170 acre evergreen park.  Perfect for at day that was about 90 degrees F.  The original shrine was built in the early  20th century (1915 – 1920) but was largely destroyed during WWII.  It was rebuilt in 1958.

While at the Meiji shrine I got to see a beautiful bride getting ready for her wedding.  I don’t know much (actually nothing) about Japanese wedding traditions but I enjoyed being able to see something special.

As I mentioned in the beginning of this post, Tokyo is overwhelming in its size and population. Like all great cities, I am sure this one takes more than 5 days to get to know.  I probably would have seen more and learned a bit more on a tour, but navigating the city on my own has made me feel closer to it.  I could not have done it, however, if it weren’t for the kindness and warmth of the Japanese people.  They go out of their way to help, even when they don’t speak a word of English.  I will end my Tokyo post with my one Japanese word:    Arigatōgozaimashita or  ありがとうございました

Next stop:  Kanazawa