Ireland 1.0

Once again I find myself about ready to start a new adventure while not having posted the one I have just ended. In this case, not really ended, but you get my point.

I have had a great time in Ireland over the past few weeks. I was here for a about 12 days, went back to the States, and then came back., The beauty of this North Atlantic island never stops amazing me. You know how the Inuit are said to have 1000 words for snow? Well, I wonder if the Irish language has that many words for the color green. I’ll have to ask.

I haven’t even begun to scratch the surface of places to see on the Emerald Isle, but I have had fun in the few places I have been.

The coast here is simply stunning. One day, on the advice of locals, I took the bus to Ballycotton. It’s in County Cork, along the sea, and has an incredible cliff walk (Sherri, I thought of you the whole time…).

It’s a bit late in the season for wildflowers, but this one was blooming. Debbie, you will really impress me if you can ID this one.
The lighthouse island is visible one many parts of the hike.
The warning signs along the path give you pause, or show the sense of humor of the locals.
Another view of the lighthouse.
I love the birds here.
This fabulous heron was sitting on the hill at the end of the beach. i was pretty far away but thought I could make out a heron. Binoculars confirmed it so I walked along the beach about 250 meters to get his picture.
Heading back to town along the same path. The vista never gets old.
Back in town, there is a charming little harbor.
Where my friendly heron (or his cousin) was out trolling for a meal.
Apparently the fishing was not good so off he went.
Waiting for the bus back to Cork, this little guy showed up to strut his stuff.

Another day trip I took was to the town of Midleton and the non nature buffs among you would like this place. It is the home of Jameson. You know, the Irish Whiskey…

Irish Whiskey is triple distilled (in something that looks just like the still above) and doesn’t use smoked peat.
The chandelier everyone needs.

Near the city of Cork is a town called Clonakilty. I only spent a day there and am looking forward to going back.

The town has a beautiful old church but it’s true claim to fame is that it was the home of Michael Collins. If you don’t know who he was, rent the movie. Michael Collins was an Irish hero and republican who was instrumental in the independence movement.

One of the pretty painted buildings in Clonakilty.
Celctic Cross on the Cathedral
Michael Collins. He was known as the Bigfella

Now, you have to be asking, “what about Cork”? There have been no pictures of Cork. Well, if you check my Instagram feed, I have posted a few. In case you don’t have it, my Instagram handle is Lauren Globetrotter.

I now have an apartment. It is furnished which makes for and easy move-in. I am looking forward to having a place to call home again. It’s also big enough for guests, so I hope to host many of you soon.

Cork is a very vibrant city with a lot going on. It is not terribly beautiful but it is changing and growing and it will be exciting to watch this over the next few years.

It is also a very international city. You are as likely to hear French, Spanish, Arabic or Russian on the streets as you are to hear English.

My neighborhood
Cork Rooftops
This is a river otter swimming just outside my apartment building.

So this gets you somewhat caught up. I am in Dublin now and hope to have a few things to share before my next major destination. You’ll just have to stay tuned to find out where.

Love to everyone!!!

5 thoughts on “Ireland 1.0”

  1. Hey Lauren — looks like you are having a fabulous time! I tried to email you a while ago but I don’t think I have your current email address — can you email it to me if you have a new one? Thanks! — Lisa

    1. Hi Lisa,
      Just saw this. sent you an email from my email address. if you don’t get it, post here again or contact me on instagram.

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