
Okay, I am now even FURTHER behind.   So far behind that I am writing this in a hotel room in Buenos Aires the day before heading to Ushuaia and my Antarctica trip.

Jordan was incredible.  To save time, I am just going to post pictures.  Sorry I don’t have time to be creative with verbage.  

Outside of the capitol, Amman (which I Now know is pronounced Ah-MAN and not Ahh – mon) are the ruins of Jerash.  These are some of the most impressive Roman ruins I have ever seen.

Petra was the next big site and what most people come to this beautiful country to see.  It did not disappoint.

Slot Canyon heading in to Petra
Shopkeepers in Petra
Petra rocks
Buggy in the slot canyon
Petra Treasury
Petra Treasury columns
Roman arch in Petra
Tired penguin and Joe

Pictures just cannot do justice to Petra, or Wadi Rum, our next stop.

One evening we took a cooking class.  It was a lot of fun, but I will say they need to get their knives sharpened.

On one of our last days, we visited the River Jordan…more like the Jordan Muddy Creek.  On the other side of the water is Israel.  It is so good that these two countries get along now.

P.S.  As I mentioned above, I will be getting on a plane to Ushuaia and from there on to a boat to Antarctica.  I will be gone for 3 weeks and internet connectivity will be pretty sparse if it exists at all.  If I do manage a signal somewere, I will try to post a picture of a penguin or whale.  Otherwise, stay tuned for a long post in January.

I wish all of you a very happy holiday season and all the best for the New Year.  Stay safe and warm.  Can’t wait to see everyone in 2019.