West Coast

I have stopped driving for a few days and am enjoying the scenery in Franz Joseph Glacier.   Getting here took a couple of days traveling through some very pretty coastal and mountain scenery.

I left Nelson about noon, after spending the morning walking around the town.  Nelson does not have that much to offer in terms of tourism, but the surrounding areas are beautiful.

After driving for an hour or so, we stopped to stretch our legs (flippers) and take in a view.

The road to the West Coast goes through an amazing river gorge.

After the gorge, you hit the coast.  The weather was starting to deteriorate.  I drove along a beautiful section before stopping for the night.

When I woke up the next morning, there was a storm approaching.  However, you could just make out the mountains in the distance under the cloud.

The drive on to Franz Joseph was pretty much all in the rain.  Halfway through the drive, I stopped in this town that had a Kiwi center.  Kiwi’s are nocturnal, so it’s tough to see them in the wild.  They are also MUCH bigger than I thought.  They’re the size of a cat (about the size and shape of Reba, for those of you that knew my cat)!

Photos are not permitted in the kiwi area.  They are very sensitive to light.  So, I have a picture here I got online.

Evolution has not worked well for Kiwi.  No wings means it can’t get away, and its instinct when threats approach is to “shelter in place”.  It also has a very strong scent that dogs find irresistible.  Dogs and cats are kiwi’s biggest predators.

The kind folks in the Kiwi center adopted a lamb whose mother had rejected it.  Ed now greets visitors, but will soon go to a farm to work as a lawnmower.

I am sure the drive to Franz Joseph Glacier is stunning.  However, it was pouring rain so I didn’t get to see much.

The next morning, however, the sun came out and the scenery did not disappoint.

Since the weather was cooperating, I decided to head out to Lake Matheson, New Zealand’s most photographed lake.  Once I got there, it started to rain.  However, it didn’t last long and we got to see a gorgeous double rainbow.

Lake Matheson is a  Kettle Lake.  It was formed as the glacier retreated and left calved ice pieces that melted and formed the lake.  The hike around the lake is on a well maintained path.  It’s about 4.5km around the lake, most of it through rain forest.

One you arrive at Lake Matheson you are rewarded with a spectacular view, and if you’re lucky (I was), a reflective lake.

After the hike around the lake, I headed back in to town.  It was rush hour on the only highway, but I didn’t mind.

I have a couple more days here and keep my fingers crossed for good weather.


4 thoughts on “West Coast”

  1. The pictures you are taking are amazing! I can only imagine how beautiful the country is up close and personal. I’m excited for you to get to the waterfall!!

    1. You are correct that the photos cannot do justice to the real thing. Keep your fingers crossed about Milford Sound. If the weather is bad, choppers don’t fly.

  2. Great pictures. I love the workers on the “mowing team” along the highway

    1. I know. I couldn’t believe my luck when I saw them approaching. I only had the phone accessible so the photo is not as good (that case you made me buy blurrs photos) as with the real camera.

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