Valle de Aconcagua and Los Andes

St Joseph and The Penguin on the hood of the rental car.

The Valle de Aconcagua is a wine region in Chile that sits at the foot of the Andes.  The main city in the region is Los Andes.  I wish I could tell you the city was a wonderful tourist destination and that the wineries were all wonderful and welcoming.  Unfortunately, I cannot.  What I can tell you is that the views of the Andes mountains are amazing.

View from my hotel
Road heading out of Los Andes


I tried to visit some wineries; however, they were closed, despite all published information indicating otherwise.  But, I did get to see some beautiful vineyards and lovely old buildings.

Vineyards in Winter with mountain backdrop

I also tried to head up into the mountains, but the weather would not cooperate.  As I got to the switchbacks that take you the last 20 or so kilometers to the snow field, a cloud started descending on the mountain.  I turned around and as I got down to the bottom of the mountain I saw that they had closed the road going up.  Whew!  I would not have been happy stuck up there.  But, the drive was interesting.  Note below how the Chilean department of transportation deals with what I am sure are constant rock slides on mountain roads.

Clouds on the mountain

The tunnel is built so the slide goes on top of it and off the other side. There is a gravel road to the left which I assume is used for clearing and maintenance.

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Also, remember you can see other photos by following my Instagram page:  Lemsfo

Have a great day!


3 thoughts on “Valle de Aconcagua and Los Andes”

  1. Your journey continues – and those mountains are impressive! Glad you turned around when you did – another example of your excellent judgment. Please tell the penguin to stay friendly with St Joseph – clearly it was a great help.

    1. Hey Jo,
      Penguin and St. Joseph are very friendly. St. Joseph looks out for the Penguin in each location, since he is the older and wiser of the pair
      Both of them send you hugs!

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