Drive to Valparaiso

Let me start this by saying it is faster to BUY a car in the USA than to rent one in Chile.  It’s all good though.  I got out of the Econorent office with a nice little Hyundai and a printout of Google map showing the route out of town!  The Penguin helped navigate and we made it to stop #1 without incident!

About halfway between Santiago and Valparaiso is the Casablanca Valley, one of the cool climate wine regions in Chile.  I stopped to enjoy some lunch and taste some wine at Verramonte.

Verramonte wines include some very nice labels such as Ritual, Primus and Neyen.

I don’t know what sheep have to do with wine, but they were cute.
A really cool table that I might just have built when back in the states.

Navigating the twisty-turny streets of Valparaiso was interesting.  I couldn’t take any pictures since I was driving and The Penguin doesnt have thumbs.  Finding the hotel was a challenge and I was very happy that I got an international SIM card for the phone.

The hotel, Casa Puente, is nice.  A bit understaffed, but pretty.  And the view is quite lovely.