Don’t Cry for Me

Well folks, it’s official.  I cannot make it to Argentina.  The border is still not open and will not be by tomorrow at 7am.

I am now flying to Santaigo tomorrow afternoon.  I will stay there for a couple of days and then figure out where to go.  Most likely Puerto Varas in the Lake District.  It’s pretty there, but I will likely run out of things to do there, too.

Things I have learned:

*Never book tours in advance on Viator or any other site.  I will likely spend the next year trying to get refunds for tours that didn’t happen due to the weather.  If I had known how many operators for tours there really were in the Atacama, I would not have booked anything.  Same for Salta.

*Travel Insurance can be your friend. I’ll let you know how all that works out, but I am hopeful I will see at least some of my money back.

*Never book unrefundable hotel rooms in advance.

* Always have a PLAN B

So, when next you hear from me, I will be in a major city with hopefully faster internet and decent wine.

St Joseph will be sorry to leave the desert but the Penguin is ready to get out of here.

3 thoughts on “Don’t Cry for Me”

  1. Life is full of Plan Bs…
    Penguin is right – time to get out of there!

  2. Safe travels to the next adventure! Good thing you are traveling with pals 🙂

    1. yes, i am lucky to have two loyal companions at my side. i think St Joseph wants to stay in the desert, thouogh.

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