Weather and Dogs

According to the Chilean police and road folks, IF IT DOESN’T RAIN AGAIN, the road to Argentina will open on Wednesday…just in time for my bus to Salta, Argentina on Thursday morning.

If the road doesn’t open, plan B is to fly to Santiago and continue on my travels from there.  What the hell I will do in Santiago for two weeks remains to be seen.  Do I have the right clothes to go down to the Lake District?  Cross your fingers that that clouds I see rolling in and the high winds outside do not mean MORE RAIN and snow.  As lovely as this desert town is, I would like to get out of here.

For those of you who did not believe me about the dogs, see below.  These pictures I took this morning in less than 30 minutes fo walking around near my hotel.  There was one dog (1st picture) that has only three legs but has not been neutered.  Locals will apparently pay to have a dogs leg amputated but not to fix them so they don’t have MORE DOGS.  Most of them are super cute and if I were headed back stateside, I might bring one home.  If you are ever looking for a super cute, well socialized dog, now you know where to go.






4 thoughts on “Weather and Dogs”

    1. They stay out on the perimeter of town, mostly. Streets are too narrow for the cars to navigate and the dogs get in the way

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