Wow, what a time…

I am off the boat and back in Quito for a few more hours.  I have a flight at 4:15am tomorrow morning to start what will be the travel day from hell.  I go from Quito to Lima, Lima to Santiago and then Santiago to Calama.  For those of you unfamiliar with South American geography, it would be like flying from New York to Dallas via Chicago and Los Angeles.

The Galapagos were AMAZING.  I am still sorting through the photos for a proper post, but below are some teasers.  I think I took 500 picutres of Sea Lions and even more of the famous blue footed boobie (is that not the best name in the world).  Don’t worry, I won’t post all of them.

I also think I lost some picutres.  I had an issue with an SD card being corrupted.  I have not lost all hope of recovering them.  One that card were pictures of the Galapagos penguin. Something tells me St. Joseph had something to do with the missing picutres.

Anyway, as I said, tomorrow is a LOOONG travel day so I will have time to sort through the remaining pictures and tell you all about my visit to the Galapagos.  Here are some picutres to whet your appetite:

The blue footed boobie


A beautiful beach

Pink Flamingo (Hello to Ashbury Terrace and Upper Terrace)

Sea Lions (they are smaller than the California species)